12ga 28gram & 32gram Plastic Wads
These wads have 'V' raked walls and a double '0' self-adjusting compression unit helping reduce felt recoil to a minimum.
To prevent gas leakage, these wads have a secondary seal at the base of the shot cup just incase any damage caused to the first one during the loading process. This ensures there is a consistent, hard hitting close pattern.
12ga Gualandi V-Zero 23 Wads.
These wads will hold 32 grams of lead shot in a 70mm PT case.
12ga Gualandi V-Zero 25 Wads.
12 ga Gualandi V-Zero 25 Wads. Designed for 28 grams of lead in a 70mm PT case. This wad has a multi-pin gas dispersing cup which keeps the wad on top of the propellant letting the expanding gases maintain a radial sealing pressure on the powder cup walls.
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